Chronic Fatigue

Chronic fatigue is a condition with the primary symptom of severe fatigue lasting more than 6 months and not associated with another disorder. Chronic fatigue is typically present in patients with neurodegenerative diseases like MS, ALS, and Parkinson’s. Patients with persistent fatigue for whom other medical conditions have been ruled out are often given a diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Poor autonomic function, which leads to suboptimal cardiac function and thermal regulation, may be the cause of chronic fatigue. For example when heart rate is not properly regulated by the ANS (autonomic nervous system), the body cannot respond to increased oxygen demand from even minimal amounts of physical activity, resulting in extreme fatigue.

Patients with chronic fatigue may also suffer from the common symptoms of autonomic dysfunction including altered cognitive function (brain fog), sleep disturbances, thermal intolerance, waking headaches, and bladder or bowel dysfunction, with fatigue as the predominant and most debilitating symptom.

A Promising New Therapy

TVAM (Transvascular Autonomic Modulation is a new and potentially life changing procedure for patients with chronic fatigue. The procedure involves mechanically stimulating the autonomic fibers that travel along the jugular vein. By encouraging proper function of the ANS, the body is able to regulate heart rate appropriately in response to physical activity.

There is currently no medical treatment for chronic fatigue. Some physicians will prescribe drugs for anxiety and depression, but this approach does not address the underlying autonomic aspect of chronic fatigue, and the side effects can be worse than the original symptoms for some patients.

Our Clinical Experience

We’ve successfully treated both patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and patients with chronic fatigue related to other disorders. Both these groups of patients respond with increased energy levels and relief from the other common symptoms of autonomic dysfunction.

After being treated, patients are generally able to return to normal levels of physical activity. Many people with CFS suffer from anxiety, depression, and other psychological disorders, and these symptoms may also respond to the treatment.

Learn About the Procedure Request Consultation

If you are a patient or know someone with chronic fatigue and are interested in more information on TVAM, please contact us toll free at (877) 792-2784 or (949) 221-0129.

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