Haacke MRI/MRV vs. normal MRI
The Haacke MRI/MRV is the most important tool in the diagnostic evaluation of patients with neurodegenerative disease.
This tool is far safer than many other methods of evaluating patients with neurodegenerative disease because it does not use ionizing radiation such as CAT scans. In addition, it does not use iodinized contrast agents, which are commonly used in many diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.
Using our 3T High Field MRI, we are able to see disorders of the brain unseen by other MRI’s.
This MRI is composed of a number of components that are constantly evolving as our understanding of the brain expands and new research tools come to light. Many patients have had a typical MRI that is used to look at the basic anatomic structure of the brain to diagnose obvious structural defects. For example, most Multiple Sclerosis patients have had an MRI of their brain to count and identify the location of “lesions”.
The Haacke MRI does this, but with much greater detail. Using the unique 3 Tesla High Field Research magnet in our California offices, we are able to look at the structures of the brain in ways that other MRI’s cannot. Most other MRI’s used to evaluate the brain are only 1.5 Tesla Low Field – MRI’s without the computer power to interpret the finest complexities of the human brain. Using our 3T High Field MRI, we are able to see disorders of the brain unseen by other MRI’s.
Blood Flow
Our doctors have a complete 3-D mapping of the arteries and veins of our patients before they ever step into the operating room.
From here, the Haacke MRI/MRV sets itself even further apart from conventional MRI’s. It is the only MRI that actually quantifies the flow in all of the veins and arteries in the head and neck. Using this flow information in all the “pipes” feeding and emptying the brain, we are able to discern the subtlest abnormalities of neurovascular disease. We are also able analyze its interplay with the neurodegenerative disorders that our patients have. We can then use this information to construct unrivaled animations and models of the vasculature to facilitate the safest interventions possible. Our doctors have a complete 3-D mapping of the arteries and veins of our patients before they ever step into the operating room – this makes for an incredibly safe and effective patient experience.
The Haacke MRI also evaluates the flow of the cerebral spinal fluid or CSF. CSF is the clear fluid that coats, bathes, and protects the brain. It also flows out of the skull and down the spine. If the flow of CSF is obstructed, this may also act as a cause of disease in the brain.
Iron quantification in the brain is also a part of the Haacke MRI. Iron may serve as an important biomarker for many neurodegenerative disorders. The Haacke MRI/MRV quantifies, with amazing detail, the amount of iron in two general locations. It looks at the iron deposited in any abnormal lesions in the brain. It also looks at the amount of iron deposited in the deep and fundamental areas of our brain – the regions that control some of the most important neurologic processes. We can use this iron quantification process to monitor disease progression, identify at-risk neurologic structures, and potentially evaluate many other clinically relevant questions related to a patient’s neurodegenerative disease.
The fundamental function of the brain can be studied by looking at how much oxygen the cells in the brain use. The Haacke MRI/MRV uses perfusion imaging to study how and when the brain uses oxygen to function. We can look at every part of the brain including abnormal structures or normal anatomy and determine exactly how well these structures are functioning – both before and after any treatment. This gives us the unique ability to gauge the effectiveness of our procedures in a manner that was previously not possible.
Continuous Advancements
One of the latest additions to our Haacke MRI/MRV is the investigation of the actual neurologic function in the brain using Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI). Using DTI, we can evaluate the functional electric signals that are passing through every part of the brain. We can look at how these pathways interact with areas of abnormality and we can look at how these signals may change over time and with treatment.
There is no other diagnostic tool that compares to the Haacke MRI/MRV in diagnosing and treating patients with neurologic disorders and neurodegenerative disease. Using this cutting-edge tool, Synergy Health Concepts is leading the world in treating patients with neurovascular disease.