Synergy Health focuses on serving patients with several different medical conditions, including: Multiple Sclerosis, Lyme Disease, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease), Parkinson’s Disease, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and many others.
Synergy Health has treated over 1500 patients for CCSVI with a 99% technical success rate, and patient response rate in excess of 90%. For many of our patients, the results are life-changing.
We enjoy receiving personal feedback from patients that have been treated at Synergy and have included a small sample of them here. In addition, you can read and hear some of our patients share their experiences through social media and other online resources.
You can share with our patients through Facebook, Google+, YouTube and Twitter.
We have treated patients from many countries, including:
Australia Botswana Canada Columbia Egypt |
El Salvador England France Hungary India |
Iran Ireland Italy Mexico Netherlands |
New Zealand Pakistan Poland Puerto Rico Saudi Arabia |
Scotland Slovenia Switzerland USA |
To accommodate our international patients who are not fluent in English we offer translation/interpreter services in all major languages.