Any patient that is interested in Synergy Health’s Treatment Program is encouraged to contact us to discuss their medical situation and evaluate options without any obligation or cost to them.
Appointments can generally be booked within 7 to 10 days. Please contact us regarding any questions you may have.
You may e-mail us directly for call our scheduling department directly with questions at 877 792.2784 OR 949.221.0129 ext. 205, or you may complete our Inquiry form to begin your steps to treatment.
While Synergy is committed to providing treatment to all who could potentially benefit from our services, we must conduct a preliminary evaluation of each prospective patient’s medical condition prior to accepting them as a patient or scheduling any treatment.
This screening process is to provide maximum patient safety and gauge potential efficacy. This evaluation is done remotely by phone after completeing the Inquiry form. After a SHC physician reviews your medical history and determines that you are an appropriate candidate, you’ll begin the scheduling process.